Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Week fun!

Parents, this time last week we started doing some really fun things... including, calculating how much Thanksgiving dinner would cost a family and visitors!!! Check out some of the fun we had doing our amazing calculations! (One kid, and I quote, said, "Oh my gosh. It's like $330 for dinner. I'm officially broke!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Dear Parents,

This time of year helps me reflect on how awesome life is. It's amazing! I'm so thankful to have your support, and that you allow me to teach your children each day. It's an awesome gift! Thanks for letting me work with them daily.

I hope that you and yours have a fabulous holiday together - eat lots of turkey, have lots of fun, and drive safely!

Pictures to follow soon... today, kids are calculating the cost of what it would take to purchase Thanksgiving dinner for a family of 12 (or larger!)... stay tuned!

Mrs. K :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Parent & Teacher Conferences!

Parents, just a quick reminder about parent/teacher conference... please try to come on time :) I will also try to stay on time!

I'm also trying to have kids collect box tops... so please keep those coming in if you can. I use the money to buy new class books, art supplies, rewards, etc.

Tonight for math homework, kids should do 30 minutes on TTM. Remember: there is a TTM teacher available for your student at night!

Here are some pictures from art class this past Friday with Mrs. Christensen... we love our room mom! Thanks for doing some beautiful leaf art with our kids!

Friday, November 13, 2015


Here's another rockin' picture! She came out of her burrow, but only comes out at night and first thing in the morning :)
I will also post some art pictures from our art class today!


Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome Back!

Why hello there! It's been quite awhile since we've chatted. I'm super excited to start back to school and keep moving in our learning journey!

A few notes: we have parent/teacher conference coming up next week, so make sure you check out Skyward and sign up! Also, book orders will come home the week we come back, and they are due in a week or so.

Our little class tarantula, Morticia, has molted her exoskeleton! This means that she is growing... hurray! She's going to stay at my house through the rest of the winter until it's warm enough in the classroom to bring her back, but here are a few pictures!!!

Remember to send in your child's reading calendar minutes for the off-track by Wednesday, the 11th. Thanks! See you soon!

Morticia has molted! Here's her exoskeleton! She burrowed in her tunnel and molted in it, so it's a little crunched-up looking. She's growing!

Only got her front legs when she popped out for a second, but she enjoys living in her burrow and seldom comes out (only to eat at night usually).